Maybe you are experiencing...

stubborn weight gain, constant bloating, low energy, random pains, anxiety, brain fog...

Our society has normalized these things, telling us it's part of aging and how we should feel or how our body's should look after having kids.

What if I told you that...

your body doesn't have to break down as you age, leaving you with low energy, weight gain, and symptoms?

You have more control over your symptoms and your metabolism than you think! Symptoms are signals that your body sends you to say "something needs to change!"

How did you get here?

Diet culture. Nutrient depletion. Stress. Estrogen dominance. Blood sugar imbalances. Hormonal disruption. Insufficient sunlight. Toxic burden. Sedentary Lifestyles. Moving further and further away from how we were designed to thrive.

You have been working against your body's own natural rhythms for years, and instead of "health care", our country focuses on "sick care", so we are uneducated on how to prevent these things from happening.

As a result...

Your hormones are being over-produced to compensate, you are developing adrenal fatigue, and your body is in a constant state of fight-or-flight.

When this happens your other body systems are being suppressed because fight-or-flight takes precedent.

Therefore, immunity goes down, inflammation goes up, metabolism is slowed, and we are fighting against our own biology, allowing symptoms to take over.

Our hospitals are currently overloaded with diseases such as heart failure, cancer, diabetes, dementia, Chron's, and more!

On top of all that, diet culture tells us to restrict calories and work out harder which adds to the stress on our bodies and raises our cortisol, causing us to hold on to the fat that we work so hard to get rid of!

What if you learned how to heal your own symptoms?

What if it were your diet causing your symptoms all along?

What if getting rid of symptoms like brain fog or fatigue is as easy as learning how to decrease the inflammation that is causing it in the first place?

What if all it takes is getting back to nature and learning to eat foods that nourish every cell, and allow hormones to communicate more easily, so your body can do what it does best...thrive?!!

What if learning stress-resiliency techniques and omitting limiting beliefs could completely alter your path and help you to live a happier, healthier life?

What if being in your 30's, 40's, 50's and beyond felt like your 20's instead?!

After years of feeling like your health is going downhill fast, it's not too late to reverse that trend and start feeling good again.

Taking a holistic approach to your health and weight loss, will reverse skin damage, boost your mitochondria (your energy powerhouses), get your hormones back into balance, reduce inflammation in your gut, and allow you to flourish on all levels.

I'm Aubree...

I suffered with chronic bloating, brain fog, eczema, and anxiety for years, thinking they were all unrelated, causing me to go to multiple doctors and take on different medications to try to solve these issues.

It wasn't until the brain fog got so bad that I was questioning myself at work as a nurse and at stop lights while driving that I decided the medications were not only "not working" but were making things worse! On top of that, I was still trying to cut calories to achieve a flat stomach again (something I hadn't seen in years since having my 4 kiddos), only to gain more weight back each time I had a "cheat day". And my social anxiety deepened as I stopped communicating with more and more family and friends due to struggling to find words or having muddled, incomplete, thoughts. My brain was constantly over-active and I didn't know how to calm it down.

I finally became frustrated enough that I took matters into my own hands and researched natural methods to make my brain sharper and not so sluggish. This is when I discovered that all of my symptoms could potentially be related and were most likely caused from inflammation that was going on at the cellular level, and a gut microbiome that was very unhealthy. After lots of research, reading multiple books, and going back to school to become a Functional Nutrition & Health Coach, I was able to heal my chronic bloating, my energy soared, my eczema cleared up, (my skin completely changed), my brain fog disappeared, and I went from socially anxious to confident and thriving!

Now, I am passionate about helping other women realize that the power to heal is within us, we just need to get out of our own way and allow our bodies to function optimally!

You don't need another diet or a "diagnosis" to begin healing.

This course will teach you:

  • Your Human Design Chart, and why you might be struggling in certain areas and how to get back to your "authentic" self, before any outside conditioning told you who you "should" be.
  • The mindset that allows you to break free from limiting beliefs and create health-giving habits that last a lifetime! No more yo-yo dieting.
  • How your current ways of eating and current unconscious habits are leading your body to disease.
  • How our culture is toxic and leads to a toxic burden on your body and how to eliminate these toxins out and remove them from YOUR environment.
  • Why functional nutrition makes more sense and works at the cellular level to help you heal and thrive!
  • How to add in the right foods and "crowd out" the bad!
  • The Uplevel Process that will give you a new path to follow that will bring your hormones, your gut microbiome, and immune system back into balance so you can feel good again!
  • How to stop worrying about "cheat days" and whatever cancer ails you, because your health foundation will be set, so cheat days no longer affect you!

The course includes...

6 engaging modules with over 18 lessons [$1800 value]

5 hours of recorded slides and video [$1000 value]

Private facebook support group [$150 value]

Grocery shopping education and lists [$125 value]


Uncovering your why

Positive affirmations

Removing negative thoughts

Reducing inflammation checklist

Habit tracker

Toxin guide

Nutrition checklist

Supplements and testing tools

Multiple Food Guides

Sample meal plan

Book and podcast suggestions

Total value: $3075

Get it today for $297!!!

Example Curriculum

  Module 1 - The Mindset
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 - Why Your Metabolism is "Shook!"
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 - Getting Back to Nature: Why Functional Nutrition Makes More Sense
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 - Nourishment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 - The UpLevel Process!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 - Overcoming Obstacles
Available in days
days after you enroll

Who is this course for?

  • The Mom who has struggled to get her body back after having kids.
  • The woman with low energy who can't seem to get inspired to "get started".
  • Someone who struggles with constipation and has a toxic gut.
  • The woman with brain fog who desperately wants her clear, sharp, confident, mind back!
  • Someone who is fed up with how we do healthcare in America and is ready to take a holistic approach to their health.
  • Someone who is ready to get out of the "dieting mindset" and understand how food works at the cellular level to heal their symptoms and reset their metabolism.
  • Someone who is ready to embrace a new lifestyle in order to heal their symptoms.
  • Someone with an open mind to learn, grow, and become inspired.
  • The hypochondriac who lives in fear of future disease.
  • The healthcare worker who wasn't taught in school how food works at the cellular level to heal, and that meds aren't the answer.

Who is this course NOT for?

  • Someone who just wants to listen to great info, but not actually apply it.
  • Someone who is looking for the next diet to try.
  • Someone looking for a "quick fix".
  • Someone with a closed mind and not ready to try something different for health sake!
  • The person who thinks they are invincible and has no desire to change.
  • The person who is not willing to put in the work.

Choose a Pricing Option

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this course help (fill in the blank- disease, dysfunction, disorder)?

This course does not make any claims to diagnose, treat, or heal any specific health issue. This is how I have been able to heal myself and created a foundation for health and vitality for my life. Though everything taught in this course is backed by research, no information in this course is to be taken as medical advice, always consult your physician before going off any medications.

Will this course help me to lose weight?

This course will take your focus off losing weight which is what diet culture teaches, and instead put the focus on creating a healthy internal environment that will allow your body to change and shift in healthful ways! My heart is that your weight will no longer be important to you, but instead you will focus on having more energy, better digestion, better sleep, and better moods! I cannot guarantee any number on a scale, but I will teach you to nourish your body from the inside out!

How long will I have access to your course?

You will have lifetime access and will be grandfathered in to any changes I make in the future to this course.

How long is this course?

This course contains 6 modules with at least 3 lessons per module. The course from start to finish is just over 5 hours. I have created this course specifically with busy lifestyles in mind so that you can listen on the go, or sit and view the slides along with the audio.

Can I share this course with others?

I created this course to replace my 1:1 coaching model so I could keep up with demand and help more people at a time. The purpose of creating this course is to share this message with many women around the world. However, my course was created for single household purchases only (meaning you can share with your spouse, but please don't let your sister-in-law log in with your credentials). As a course creator, I have dedicated a year of my life into hours of research and creation so that I could give you my best knowledge and resources, all at an affordable price with your budget in mind. I just ask that you respect my hard work and share your reviews instead of your login.

Do you offer refunds?

Considering the type of service offered, this course is non-refundable. Once you have purchased the course and accessed the downloads, it's yours for life!

Additional questions?

E-mail me at [email protected]!